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Microsoft CRM Service

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a customer relationship management (CRM) solution that provides the tools and capabilities needed to create and easily maintain a clear picture of customers, from first contact through to purchase and post-sales. With modules for sales, marketing, and customer service, Microsoft Dynamics CRM delivers a fast, flexible, and affordable solution that drives consistent, measurable improvements in every business process, enabling closer relationships with customers and helping to achieve new levels of profitability.

Even for companies with the most complex of sales processes, Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides easy-to-use features and capabilities to help improve the way sales and marketing organizations target new customers, manage marketing campaigns, and drive sales activities. Here's how Microsoft Dynamics CRM can help your employees make better business decisions and get a clearer view of your customers.

Works the way Technologies should

Microsoft Dynamics CRM works the way your IT staff wants it to because it's based on proven, industry-standard Microsoft Technologies that's easy to learn and work with. You'll enjoy a rapid, low-cost deployment; low support costs; and easy scalability as your business grows. IT-friendly features include:

Easy to modify forms, data fields, and information relationships so that users can get the customized information they need.

Streamlined installation with diagnostic tools that reduce setup time and help ensure a successful deployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Fast data searches across large volumes of customer data that help users find the information they need.

Easy to use step-by-step Microsoft Exchange Connector Deployment Wizard that simplifies Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration with Microsoft Exchange and Office Outlook.

Simple and fast connectivity to external data sources that gives users access to relevant information.

Advanced management and notification tools that are centralized and give the IT staff the right information to manage a CRM



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